#01 Deep within us: Making it work.

#01 Deep within us: Making it work.

Tiemo Ehmke April 13, 2020
Shanine Linda Ahimbisibwe, Kampala, Uganda:

Easter Sunday is our biggest holiday. My siblings and I converge at my parent’s home for a late lunch and because the next day is a holiday too, no one is a rush to get back to their homes. Unfortunately, we have all had to celebrate Easter this year behind closed doors, alone, because it falls on day 9 of the 14-day lock down.

When the first case in Kampala was reported a few weeks ago, I was almost numb with anxiety and fear. I was so convinced we were finished because our health care system is quite laughable. While the health ministry has registered successes in defeating terrible epidemics like Cholera and Ebola before, I was on edge because this virus had devasted countries with far more superior health systems it was only a matter of time until we were dying by the numbers. But I am so glad I was wrong; the pandemic was taken seriously from the start, despite the fact that security operatives remain highhanded and there is so much disregard for underprivileged people in enforcing the lock down and 7:00PM curfew.

The first days were rough. My mother always said I had itchy feet because I couldn’t stay still, visiting friends and doing just about everything but sitting in one place so being told to not leave my house was a big change. My first reaction was insomnia which greatly affected my productivity because I was constantly fatigued and unmotivated. As the days slowed by, I began to accept it and restructure how I was perceiving this; instead of looking at it as a lock down, I started to look at it as time. Now I had time to do the things I thought I did not have time for, develop new habits and personal discipline. Cliché as it may sound, the days have not been as daunting since.

I am constantly grateful that I have a home to lock down in, a job with supportive colleagues, a great support system, good health and a workable internet connection.

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