#01 Deep within us: We are running out of time!

#01 Deep within us: We are running out of time!

Tiemo Ehmke May 4, 2020
Pitra Lystiani Hutomo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

We are running out of time! Don’t you think?

Time comes off as the second most pressuring aspect in life, for me.

The first is money but I don’t have plenty so that’s good.

This note is about time. You would have found out by now that it’s such a strange concept to enable awareness.

Future, past, present, next month, last 23 minutes, how much have I put on weight in xx period. What day is it today? How long have you been reading this?

I said, we don’t have a lot, not even since we began to gravitate towards it. Less now but..don’t look at human as mere statistics, please?

Ah, consequence to development.

Falling in love can freeze time.

When it hurts we then put time alongside memories inside a chest. Hoping they’ll gather dust in the attic or the basement. Aspiring to disconnect.

I am ready but that’s a lie. No ones wants a full manual to survive. We all deserve to die but I want to play the blame game.

Most of us are willing to reverse more than to accelerate. We would rather craft similarity. I’m sorry we’re just a little sorry why we did what was done.

The elephant doesn’t forget.

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