#02 Close to us: Things Have Changed

#02 Close to us: Things Have Changed

Tiemo Ehmke May 7, 2020
Kanorio Gitonga for NENDO, Nairobi, Kenya:

Things Have Changed: Kenyan Business in the Midst of COVID-19

We were having our weekly meeting as usual, but this time everything was different. The team and I were miles away from each other and could now only connect through our screens.

As I considered this new change, I couldn’t help but wonder how different companies had been impacted. Did they know how to migrate online? Could they afford to? As a data enthusiast, this was an itch that I needed to scratch.

“It would be interesting to see who’s winning and who’s losing during this pandemic,” I voiced. “I mean, there must be some people who are laughing all the way to the bank don’t you think?”

That simple thought led us down a very enchanting rabbit hole. With only so much data on our hands, we initially had a hard time defining the lines between reality and imagination. But like Alice, I was determined to get to the other end.

Three weeks later, I have a solid view of how different industries in Kenya have been affected by COVID-19. Demand for digital products has risen exponentially in banking, retail and food sectors while some of our friends in travel are definitely feeling the sting of stay-at-home orders.

The team successfully created a 10-sector infographic that analyses consumers and companies from:

🚗 Transport
🛍️ Retail
💰 Financial Services
📱 Connectivity
📚 Education
🎧 Entertainment
🍴 Food & Supplies
🗣 Communication
🤒 🏥Healthcare
💸 Income Generation

If you’re as curious as I am, feel free to find out more on how Kenya has changed here: https://www.nendo.co.ke/covid

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