*The idea

*The idea

Since the corona crisis is changing the world, we feel it is important to stay in contact, to get even closer together. We from icebauhaus will ask our fellows and partners of the East-African and South-South Media Lab Collaboration programes to tell us their stories. We are interested in the individual experiences and voices. Our idea is to learn about local contexts and impacts of this crisis and to set up a relevant archive of personal observations and reflections related to this challenge.

The Media Lab Collaborations were residency programs in 2017 and 2018 focused on networking and collaboration amongst professionals and activists in the media sector.  The fellowships have encouraged peer-learning and focused on open and free media technologies to approach issues of press freedom and peace, media art and local cultural work in new creative, experimental and interdisciplinary ways through digital means. 


The concept is very easy: 1 question – 1 answer – 1 picture. We provide one question per month by email to our network members and ask them to contribute a single photo or picture and a short text message (at least 1000 characters) in response. We don’t edit answers, but ask all contributors to follow the spirit of an open culture and to respect the rights of third persons. Please send your contribution or questions to: listen@icebauhaus.com